A Summer of Shocks: America’s Foreign Economic Relations in the 1970s Beyond the Energy Crises

A Summer of Shocks: America’s Foreign Economic Relations in the 1970s Beyond the Energy Crises

18.03.2025 15:00 - 18.03.2025 17:00
Categorie: Geopolitica
Visite: 38

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Il 18 marzo si svolgerà al Centro Studi Americani il Seminario di ricerca “A Summer of Shocks: America’s Foreign Economic Relations in the 1970s Beyond the Energy Crises”, nell’ambito del PRIN 2022 “Italy’s Energy Governance in the Global Economy and Politics”.

Institutional greetings

Roberto SGALLA, Director, Center for American Studies
Donatella STRANGIO, Director of the Department of Economics Memotef, La Sapienza Rome University
Paolo WULZER, Director, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Naples L’Orientale

Chair: Simone SELVA, Associate Professor, University of Naples L’Orientale

Keynote lecture: Thomas ZEILER, Professor of History and Director, Program in International Affairs, University of Colorado Boulder/Visiting Professor, University of Naples L’Orientale”


Catherine SCHENK, Professor of Economic and Social History, Oxford University
Nathan SUSSMAN, Professor of International Economics, and Director, Centre for Finance and Development, Geneva Graduate Institute

Open floor

Final remarks: Roberto Sgalla, Donatella Strangio, Paolo Wulzer

Scientific Committee: Massimo BUCARELLI, Silvio LABBATE, Simone SELVA, Donatella STRANGIO, Paolo WULZER

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