Neck and Neck in the Last Mile: The 2024 US Presidential Election

Neck and Neck in the Last Mile: The 2024 US Presidential Election

02.10.2024 17:30 - 02.10.2024 19:30
Categorie: Politica
Visite: 70

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International conference organised by the Department of Political Science and CISE on the likely new scenario for the US elections in November.

Institutional Greetings
Luigi Gubitosi President, Luiss University

Lorenzo De Sio Director of the Italian Center for Electoral Studies and Professor of Political Science, Luiss University

Doug Rivers Chief Scientist and Director, YouGov and Professor of Political Science, Stanford University
David Brady Professor of Political Science, Stanford University

Amy Kazmin Rome Correspondent, Financial Times

Nathalie Tocci Director, Istituto Affari Internazionali; Roberto D’Alimonte Professor of Political Science, Luiss University
Roberto D'Alimonte Professor of Political Science, Luiss University


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