Greentech Global Forum 2024

16.09.2024 09:00 - 17.09.2024 18:00
Gazometro Ostiense Roma
Postato da Amministrazione
Categorie: Ambiente, Economia
Visite: 1317

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The Forum, promoted by Lazio Region, is organized by Lazio Innova in collaboration with Unidustria Assocamerestero.

The agenda of the forum, spread over two days, is made up of institutional tablespromotional workshops and networking sessions, giving international players the chance to present opportunities and projects, later discussed in confidential sessions.

The Forum is focused on leading-edge Technologies for Energy Transition and Smart Cities Applications:

• Green Power        
• E-Mobility
• Advanced Citizen Services
• Circular Economy

Promoted in the framework of Rome Future Week and hosted by Rome Startup Week, the GreenTech Global Forum is conceived as aninternational matching platform for Sustainability.
International players and selected Italian companies can meet and share projects of R&DInnovationManufacturing and Distribution, following a win-win approach.

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