Next Democratic Frontiers For Facial Recognition Technology

Next Democratic Frontiers For Facial Recognition Technology

29.09.2023 09:00 - 29.09.2023 18:00
Postato da Amministrazione
Categorie: TLC, Digital e Cybersicurezza
Visite: 352

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Facial recognition technologies (FRT) are cutting edge AI systems that process biometric data for identification, verification and categorisation purposes. Although the research and development of these systems have made huge strides in the last decades, and computer scientists are following and supporting this evolution, it has been only a few years since legal scholars have been investigating the implications on fundamental rights. The enactment of new data protection regulations and the discussion of new proposals (esp. the AI Act) have turned the debate on its head, putting FRT in the spotlight. However, there are still aspects that have been little explored but will be crucial in the coming years for the democratic, social, technical, ethical, and legal acceptance of these technologies.

The conference aims to shed light on these unexplored aspects, which impinge on systematic legalissues concerning the regulation and the protection of rights and freedoms. To this end, the presentedpapers will deal with the different legal approaches on FRT that are arising at the global level. Related tothis, specific attention will also be put to analyse how the distinction between the use of – andconsequently the rules on – FRT by private and public entities is getting increasingly evanescent, assome of the most recent cases show. Other papers will dwell on some of the most challenging and controversial deployment of FRT, for specific purposes, such as emotion recognition; for advancedcontexts, such as smart cities. Finally, the last works will focus on legal issues stemming from the most recent proposals at EU level, namely liability and cybersecurity.

The conference welcomes the participation of selected scholars of international prominence who have already been working on FRT, and therefore have the background to carry forward the investigation on these topics. This initiative is part of larger funded research projects.

  • 09:00 - 09:30

Welcome Address

Ginevra Cerrina Feroni I Vice-president in the Garante per la protezione dei dati personali

Natalia Menéndez Gonzalez I European University Institute

Giuseppe Mobilio I University of Florence

  • 09:30 - 11:00

Roundtable: Next Democratic Frontiers for Facial Recognition Technology

Professor Theodore Christakis I Chair on the Legal and Regulatory Implications of Artificial Intelligence with the Multidisciplinary Institute on AI, Director of the Centre for International Security and European Studies, and Co-Director of the Grenoble Alpes Data Institute

Professor Els Kindt I Director of the Biometric Law Lab in KU Leuven

Massimo Tistarelli I Director of the Computer Vision Laboratory, University of Sassari

Moderator: Andrea Simoncini I Professor of Constitutional Law in the Department of Juridical Sciences of the University of Florence

11:00 - 11:30 COFFEE BREAK 

  • 11:30 - 13:00 

First Workshop: Values and Principles

Facial Recognition in Public Spaces and the Principle of Necessity; Catherine Jasserand-Breeman I KU Lueven

Technical solutions for a proportional use of Facial Recognition Technology; Natalia Menéndez Gonzalez I European University Institute

Unveiling the Legal Facade: Examining the Implications of Facial Recognition Technology on Data Protection and Privacy in Sub-Saharan Africa; Oarabile Mudongo I Human Sciences Research Council

The Brussels effect on Face Recognition: are we at the endpoint? Federica Paolucci I Bocconi University

The Precautionary Principle For the Use of Facial Recognition Technology in Esports; Tsubasa Shinohara I Swiss Esports Federation

Moderator: Giuseppe Mobilio I University of Florence

  • 13:00 - 13:20 


Naama Ben-Zvi I Director of Supervision & Compliance National Biometric Projects in the Israel National Cyber Directorate

13:30 - 14:30 LUNCH

  • 14:30 - 16:00 

Second Workshop: Democratic Challenges for Facial Recognition Technology

Conceptualizing AI Liability in Facial Recognition Technologies: A quest for the “Smart” EU Borders; Abdullah Elbi I KU Leuven

Facial Recognition Technologies and Cybersecurity in the EU: Regulatory Implications of Biometric Data Processing; Theodoros Karathanasis I Chair on the Legal and Regulatory Implications of Artificial Intelligence

From identity to emotional dominance? “Early warnings” on emotion recognition uses in internal security actions; Paolo Francesco Levantino I Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies

Facial recognition technologies: threats or opportunities for democracy? Giuseppe Mobilio I University of Florence

Facial recognition, public order, and crime prevention: The legitimacy of police uses in mass gatherings; Isadora Neroni Rezende I University of Bologna

Moderator: Natalia Menéndez Gonzalez I European University Institute

  • 16:00 - 16:20 Discussion

16:20 - 16:40 COFFE BREAK

  • 16:40 - 17:15


Amnon Reichman I Professor of Law in University of Haifa, Director of the Haifa Center for Cyber, Law and Policy

Final Remarks

Natalia Menéndez Gonzalez I European University Institute

Giuseppe Mobilio I University of Florence


Dipartimento di Scienze Giuridiche I University of Florence

School of Transnational Governance I European University Institute

The Centre for Cyber Law & Policy (CCLP)


Self-Regulation and Co Regulation for Emerging Technologies (SECORETECH) Constitutional Law of Technology (COLTECH) 

The Digital Constitutionalist (DIGICON)

In Presence: Villa Ruspoli, Piazza Indipendenza n. 9, 50129, Florence, Italy & Online

Registrations: at this link

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