B7 Summit

B7 Summit

17.05.2024 08:30 - 17.05.2024 13:30
Auditorium della Tecnica
Postato da Amministrazione
Categorie: Economia
Visite: 239

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As main event of B7 Italy: Leading the Transitions Together chaired by Confindustria the B7 Summit is the moment of discussion with the Ministers of the G7 Presidency and the Presidents of the G7 Business Federations, the prominent global CEOs and the Heads of the main International and Multilateral Organizations.

The industry's recommendations to face the main challenges of the global economic agenda will be addressed to the G7 Presidency, including the impact of geopolitics on global supply chains, the energy and environmental transition, the opportunities of digital technologies and artificial intelligence, the enhancement of talents and the resilience of welfare systems.

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