T7 Italy Summit | The G7 and the World: Rebuilding Bridges

T7 Italy Summit | The G7 and the World: Rebuilding Bridges

13.05.2024 14:30 - 14.05.2024 14:00
Categorie: Economia
Visite: 289

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On 13-14 May, the Think7 (T7) Summit brings together in Rome top experts from G7 think tanks and beyondto discuss feasible policy options to overcome today's stalemate. As co-chairs of the T7, the official think tank engagement group of the G7, ISPI and IAI are glad to invite you to discover the programme.

The Summit will take place on Monday and Tuesday, 13-14 May 2024, at LUISS Guido Carli (Viale Romania, 32, Rome). It will be possible to join the plenary sessions and the task force meetings both in presence and online

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