How innovation in plant breeding boosts sustainable farming in the EU

17.05.2021 11:00 - 17.05.2021 13:00
Categorie: Ambiente, Agrifood, Webinar e Corsi
Visite: 1031

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On behalf of Euroseeds, HFFA Research and ANSEME, we are glad to invite you to the online study launch 'How innovation in plant breeding boosts sustainable farming in the EU' on Monday 17th May from 11:00 – 13:00 CEST.
The Farm to Fork strategy as well as the Biodiversity strategy of the EU are putting forward highly ambitious objectives in respect of more sustainable agriculture and food systems.
Many believe that they can only be addressed successfully with a broad modernisation of agricultural production, including access to the best possible seed resulting from advanced plant breeding methods such as gene editing. Clearly, such a discussion needs to be supported by the most recent factual data of highest quality. Euroseeds has therefore commissioned a specific study on the impact of European plant breeding in terms of the economy and the environment. Most importantly, the study will provide an ex-ante assessment, looking forward and seeking to analyse potential effects until 2030 and 2040 in light of the EU’s Farm to Fork and Biodiversity strategies.


Paula Cruz De Carvalho (Deputy Director, Portuguese Food and Veterinary Directorate General)
Presentation of the study
Steffen Noleppa (Managing Director, HFFA Research)
Panel Discussion
- Antonio Villaroel (Secretary General ANOVE & Euroseeds Board Member)
- Gabriela Cruz (Portuguese Farmer)
- Martin Ekvad (President, Community Plant Variety Office)
- Juozas Olekas (MEP)
- Päivi Mannerkorpi (Teamleader, Plant Health Unit, DG SANTE, European Commission)
Panel Discussion moderated by George Lyon, former ComAGRI MEP, Senior Consultant at Hume Brophy
*The Zoom login details will be circulated closer to the event date.
**The event will be held in English and interpretation will not be provided. Participation to the event is exclusively upon invitation. The event will be recorded for internal use only.

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