Distributive Justice in International Law

Distributive Justice in International Law

03.10.2024 14:00 - 04.10.2024 19:00
Categorie: Diritto
Visite: 178

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International Conference co-organised under the aegis of the Luiss Center for International and Strategic Studies (CISS), the Cambridge Centre for Environment, Energy and Natural Resources Governance (C-EENRG) and the European University Institute’s Environmental Challenges and Climate Change Governance Research Cluster

Thursday, 3 October

2:00 pm Welcome Addresses
Antonio Punzi Dean of the Department of Law, Luiss University
Pietro Pustorino Professor of International Law, Co-Director of the Center for International and Strategic Studies, Luiss University
Natalino Ronzitti Emeritus Professor of International Law, Luiss University and Member of the Institut de Droit International

Opening Keynote Speech
Edith Brown Weiss Emeritus Professor of International Law, Georgetown Law School (Washington) and Member of the Institut de Droit International

3:00 pm First Plenary Session International Law, Climate Change and Distributive Justice
Jorge E. Viñuales Professor of International Law, University of Cambridge, Luiss University and Member of the Institut de Droit International

Distributive Justice in International Climate Change Law: The Principle of Common but Differentiated Responsibilities and its Discontents
Christina Voigt Professor of International Law, Universitetet i Oslo

Greening States: Old and New Divides in the Climate Crisis
Jochen von Bernstorf Chair of Constitutional Law, International Law and Human Rights Law, Tübingen Universität
Ingo Venzke Professor of International Law and Social Justice, Universiteit van Amsterdam and European University Institute (Florence)

Plural Epistemologies and Socio-Economic Rights
Margot Salomon Associate Professor of Law, London School of Economics

Reparations versus Buyouts: Reconsidering Distributive Justice Across Time in International Law
Krzysztof Pelc Lester B. Pearson Professor of International Relations,
University of Oxford

4:15 pm Coffee Break

4:30 pm Second Plenary Session International Law and Distributive Injustice
Martti Koskenniemi Emeritus Professor of International Law, Helsingfors Universitet and Member of the Institut de Droit International

Corporate Responsibility for Human Rights in the Age of Technology
Barnali Choudhury Professor of International Law, Osgoode Hall Law School (Toronto)

Pandemic Control and Distributive Justice in Global Health Governance: TWAIL and its Discontents
Ching-Fu Lin Professor of Law, National Tsing Hua University (Taipei)
Han-Wei Liu Associate Professor of Law, Singapore Management University
Chien-Uei Wu Research Professor, Academia Sinica (Taipei)

Distributive Energy Justice and Investment Protection in the Decarbonisation Era
Anatole Boute Professor of Energy, Environmental and Investment Law, Chinese University of Hong Kong

Beyond Citizenship: Virtual Spaces of Belonging and International Law
Marina Aksenova Professor of Law, IE Law School (Madrid)

6:00 pm Keynote Speech
Samantha Besson Professor of International Law, Collège de France, Université de Fribourg and Member of the Institut de Droit International

7:00 pm Aperitif

Friday, 4 October

9:30-11:30 am Closed Meeting of the 10th Commission of the Institut de Droit

9:30-11:00 am Parallel Sessions Human Mobility
Pietro Pustorino Professor of International Law, Luiss University

Distributing Mobility: Regressive Asylum Agreements and Racialised Difference
Nicola Palmer Associate Professor of Criminal Law, King’s College London

When Displacement Leads to Cultural Heritage Losses: A Plea for Intergenerational Justice
Flore Heinrich PhD Candidate, École Normale Supérieure Paris-Saclay and Università degli Studi di Milano Statale

Recognizing Famines as a Ground for Refugee Protection
Malavika Rao Postdoctoral Research Fellow in International Law, Cambridge Centre for Environment, Energy and Natural Resources Governance, University of Cambridge

Making Sense of EU Migration Cooperation with Third Countries as a Distributive (In-)Justice Question. Does Money Do the Job?
Eleni Karageorgiou Senior Researcher in Public International Law, Lunds Universitet

The Place of Social Justice
Barnali Choudhury Professor of International Law, Osgoode Hall Law School (Toronto)

The Rise and Fall (and Rise?) of Economic and Social Rights: Reflecting on the Impact of Global South States
Anashri Pillay Associate Professor in Law, Durham University

Colonising the Anti-Colonial? The Mainstreaming of Anti-Colonial Vocabulary in International Legal Practice
Bruna Gonçalves PhD Candidate, European University Institute (Florence)

Financing Utopia with International Taxation?
Céline Braumann Lawyer, European Court of Human Rights, Directorate of the Jurisconsult and Assistant Professor on leave, University of Ottawa

11:00 am Coffee Break

11:30 am Parallel Sessions - Access to Science and Technology
Ingo Venzke Professor of International Law and Social Justice, Universiteit van Amsterdam and European University Institute (Florence)

From Gap to Opportunity: Regulatory Voids as Spaces for Experimentation and Innovation to Promote Access to Science and Technology in the Food Sector
Anna Berti Suman Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Sustainable Innovation Law, Luiss Guido Carli

When Science Meets Sovereignty: Regulating the Sharing of Genetic Sequence Data and Related Benefits
Adam Strobeyko Postdoctoral Research Fellow in International Law, The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (Geneva)

International Redistributive Law: Interpreting Capacity-Building and Technology Transfer in the BBNJ Agreement
Ríán Derrig Postdoctoral Research Fellow in International Law, World Maritime University-Sasakawa Global Ocean Institute (Malmö)

Access to Science and Technology through International Scientific Cooperation: The Controversial Case of Academic Partnerships in the Context of Armed Conflicts
Giulia Perrone Postdoctoral Research Fellow in International Law, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II

Privatising Profits and Sharing Losses?
Chair: Sergio Puig de la Parra Professor of International Economic Law, European University Institute (Florence)

From Distributive Justice to Just Transition: The Extractivist Model in International Investment Law
Stefano Saluzzo Associate Professor of International Law, Università del Piemonte Orientale (Alessandria)

Compensating Uncertainty through Investment Treaties: The Case of Mineral Resource Exploration
Clara Lopez Rodriguez Lecturer and Deputy Director, Centre for Climate Law and Governance, King’s College London

Partial Solar Eclipse: Distributive Injustice in Renewable Energy Investments
Fernando Dias Simões Associate Professor of Law, Peking University School of Transnational Law

Righteous Investment Arbitration: Navigating Natural Resources Amid Market Failures, Social Injustices, and the Right to Justification
Maria Laura Marceddu Teaching Fellow in International Economic Law, Edinburgh Center for International and Global Law, University of Edinburgh

1:00 pm Lunch Break

2:00-4:00 pm Closed Meeting of the 16th Commission of the Institut de Droit International

2:00 pm Parallel Sessions - Intra- and Inter-Generational Equity
Cristiane Derani Professor of International Law, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (Florianópolis)

Intergenerational Equity, Adjusted Emissions, and Bad Timing
Bryan Druzin Associate Professor of Law, Chinese University of Hong Kong

Climate Change Activism and the Judicialization of Politics: Some Costs to Consider
Sagnik Das PhD Candidate, Harvard Law School

Legal Principles for an Equitable Phase Out of Fossil Fuels
Kim Bouwer Associate Professor in Law, Durham University
Matteo Fermeglia Assistant Professor of Climate Law and Governance, Universiteit van Amsterdam
Daria Shapovalova Senior Lecturer in Energy Law, University of Aberdeen

In Pursuit of Decarbonization: The European Union’s Rising Unilateralism and Justice Deficit
Mandy Meng Fang Assistant Professor of International Law, City University of Hong Kong

Delegation of Decision-Making to Artificial Intelligence (AI) Systems
Ginevra Le Moli Professor of International Law, European University Institute (Florence)

Navigating AI in International Law: Challenges and Opportunities
Janakan Muthukumar PhD Candidate in International Law, Carleton University (Ottawa)
Soorya Balendra O’Brien Graduate Fellow, Center for Human Rights and Legal Pluralism, McGill University (Montreal)

Responsible Deployment of AI, Distributive Justice and Fragmentary International Regulatory Framework
Deborah Damilola Adeyemo Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Transitional Justice, Institute for Peace and Security Studies, Addis Ababa University
Oreoluwa Omotayo Oduniyi Lecturer, Obafemi Awolowo University (Ile-Ife)

AI and the Widening Gap: How International Law Can Address the Disparate Impact on Third World Countries
Anil Kumar Maurya Associate Professor, Banaras Hindu University (Varanasi)

Bestowing Jurisprudential Status to AIDriven Electronic Agents: Does it Violate the Mandates of Distributive Justice?
Rajat Banerjee Associate Professor of Constitutional, Public and Human Rights Law, Alliance School of Law (Bengaluru)

3:30 pm Coffee Break - Launch of the Global Distributive Justice Network

4:30-6:30 pm Closing Plenary Session
Samantha Besson Professor of International Law, Collège de France, Université de Fribourg and Member of the Institut de Droit International
Jorge E. Viñuales Professor of International Law, University of Cambridge, Luiss University and Member of the Institut de Droit International

In conversation with
Edith Brown Weiss Emeritus Professor of International Law, Georgetown Law School (Washington) and Member of the Institut de Droit International
Fatsah Ouguergouz Rector of the African Institute of International Law and Member of the Institut de Droit International
Hélène Ruiz Fabri Professor of International Law at the Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and Member of the Institut de Droit International
Bruno Simma Professor of International Law, Michigan University (Ann Arbor), Judge at the Iran-United States Claims Tribunal and Member of the Institut de Droit International

Closing Keynote Speech
Martti Koskenniemi Emeritus Professor of International Law, Helsingfors Universitet and Member of the Institut de Droit International

Scientific Committee: Ginevra Le Moli, Martti Koskenniemi, Sergio Puig de la Parra, Pietro Pustorino and Jorge E. Viñuales

Organising Committee: Fiamma Concarella, Donato Greco, Giuliana Lampo and Manfredi Marciante

To attend the conference, please register here

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