After the General Elections in France and the UK: Results, Analyses, and Implications for Europe
An online event co-organised by CISE Telescope and the BNP-BNL-Paribas Chair French and Italian Relations in Europe
Lorenzo De Sio Professor of Political Science and Director of the Italian Center for Electoral Studies (CISE) Luiss University
The French General Election of June 30th and July 7th
Bruno Cautrès CNRS-affiliated Research Fellow, CEVIPOF-Sciences Po
The UK General Election of July 4th
Oliver Heath Professor of Politics and Co-director of the Democracy and Elections Centre Royal Holloway, University of London
Vincenzo Emanuele Associate Professor of Political Science and Deputy Director of the Italian Center for Electoral Studies (CISE), Luiss University
Marc Lazar BNP-BNL-Paribas Chair French and Italian Relations in Europe, Luiss University
Sorina Soare Associate Professor of Political Science, University of Florence
Mark Thatcher Professor of Politics, Luiss University
Q&A session