A bridge between Italy and Uzbekistan. Academic collaboration in the age of reforms

A bridge between Italy and Uzbekistan. Academic collaboration in the age of reforms

16.05.2024 09:30 - 16.05.2024 13:30
Categorie: Diritto
Visite: 252

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Thursday 16 May 2024 – 09:30
Roma Tre University
Law Department – Room 350
Via Ostiense 163 - Roma

Uzbekistan is experiencing a period of economic transition, trying to strengthen its openness to the international market, while keeping the positive aspects of its system of social cohesion and solidarity. Such economic change requires important legal reforms, involving all the fields, such as constitutional law, administrative law, civil and commercial law, competition, etc. European, American and Asiatic examples are all envisaged as models for these reforms (for instance, in the field of the law of new technologies), taking in account territorial and cultural specificities of Uzbekistan in order to boost its role as a competitive player in the global market.
Italian legal scholars are used to the circulation of models, also due to the need to adapt their domestic legal system to the common European legislation. Academic collaboration between Italy and Uzbekistan, in general and especially in the legal field, is very valuable, as a tool to facilitate economic and cultural exchange and successful circulation of legal models.
Hosted by Roma Tre University, which is experiencing a successful cooperation with Tashkent State University of Law, this seminar - organised in collaboration with Vision & Global Trends - focuses on the situation and on the further potentialities of the international academic collaboration between Italy and Uzbekistan.

Moderator: Tiberio Graziani, Chairman, Vision & Global Trends, Director of the Journal Geopolitica

09:30 - Greetings and introduction: Giorgio Resta, Vice-Rector for International Relations, Roma Tre University

09:50 - Abat Fayzullaev, Ambassador of Uzbekistan in Italy
New Era in Uzbekistan-Italy Strategic Partnership

10:10 Mukhammad Ali Turdialiev, Lecturer, Tashkent State University of Law
Legal Reforms in Uzbekistan in the Economic Transition

10:30 Conclusions: Sirio Zolea, Senior Researcher, Roma Tre University

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