Equality Platform meeting: How to support women to become sustainable energy entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs

Equality Platform meeting: How to support women to become sustainable energy entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs

16.05.2024 09:30 - 16.05.2024 12:30
Categorie: Energia
Visite: 321

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On 16 May, the Equality Platform meeting will be hosted by Florence School of Regulation in Florence, and will bring together all actors involved in the Equality Platform activities - Directorate-General for Energy representatives, Platform members, signatories and project partners.

Women play a key role in sustainable business and policymaking. Women in energy experience a unique journey, with a unique set of challenges and opportunities. Nevertheless, their potential remains underutilised. The 5thEquality Platform meeting will discuss ‘How to support women to become sustainable energy entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs’? We will address the question how to best support women with equality-related ideas and initiatives, both in their own companies (entrepreneurship), as well as employees within organisations (intrapreneurship). Key topics relating to this include how to overcome obstacles such as access to finance and networks. 


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