Food recovery - State of play and future challenges

Da 02.12.2017 09:00 fino a quando 02.12.2017 11:00

a LUISS - Viale Pola

Postato da Cristiano Gatti

Categorie: Agrifood

Tags: eventi Roma

Visite: 651

Workshop organized in the framework of the LUISS School of Law LL.M. in Food Law with Fondazione Banco Alimentare ONLUS.


Massimiliano Boccardelli Manager for Industrial and Food-Chain Policies and Institutional Relationship Federalimentare
Mauro Bruzzone Social Policies Responsible National Association of Consumer Cooperatives
Annalisa Capitanio Communication and Research Direction Federdistribuzione
Angela Frigo EU and International Liaison Officer Fondazione Banco Alimentare ONLUS
Jacques Vandenschrik President FEBA European Federation of Food Banks 

Video messages
Felice Assenza General Director for International and European Politics MIPAAF 
Maria Chiara Gadda Member of the Italian Chamber of Deputies 
Alessandro PeregoPaola GarroneMarco Mela DIG Department of Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering Politecnico di Milano