EIF European Innovation Forum

Da 16.01.2020 09:00 fino a quando 17.01.2020 17:00


Postato da Amministrazione

Categorie: EU, Impresa

Visite: 1192

Roma, 16-17 gennaio 2020

Building a Community of Innovation, Management and Practice

Two internationally renowned experts in Open Innovation have created the European Innovation Forum (EIF) to discover, discuss and share the most effective ways to organize and manage innovation.
Henry Chesbrough is considered “the father of Open Innovation”. He is the author of multiple books on Open Innovation and teaches at Luiss University and UC Berkeley.
Wim Vanhaverbeke is a noted scholar of Open Innovation, with dozens of published articles on the topic, in leading academic journals. He teaches at Surrey Business School and Esade Business School.
Professors Chesbrough and Vanhaverbeke are the co-organizers of the EIF.
The Forum is managed and directed by Luiss.

The EIF is an invitation-only Meeting place for leading European companies to discuss Open Innovation and the enormous potential it opens up, but also the problems in its implementation.

All meetings will be closed to external press and media, again to further promote more openness among the group.
The meetings are held under Chatham House rules.